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More than just skiing

Cross country skiing and biathlon in Lungau

A ski holiday in St. Michael im Lungau doesn’t just mean taking the lift and skiing down the slopes.


There are a variety of options for winter sports activities.


We also offer special cross-country skiing tours for every level of difficulty and go on tours with cross-country skiing groups. We work with experts from the Gnadenalm, towards Obertauern, who are geared towards every level of difficulty in shooting and cross-country skiing.

Biathlon in Lungau

Biathlon, the combination of cross-country skiing and shooting, is an Olympic winter discipline. On the one hand, strength and stamina are required for cross-country skiing as well as the ability to concentrate and accuracy when shooting.
On the Gnadenalm in the direction of Obertauern, a real champion and Olympic champion will show you the art of biathlon. A real experience that you otherwise only know from television.

cross-country ski trails in the high valley

150 km of cross-country skiing and skating trails


The idyllic cross-country ski trail network with over 150 kilometers of excellently prepared cross-country ski trails runs through the entire Lungau from Prebersee to Obertauern. Ambitious cross-country skaters have 70 kilometers of sport trails available. Boards provide information about length, level of difficulty and direction.


Several high-altitude trails at over 2,000 meters are popular in Lungau in the south of Salzburg:


  • in Schönfeld
  • at Katschberg
  • at Prebersee
  • in Obertauern


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